Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Exam: What you need to know to pass

The Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam is often considered to be tough to pass. This blog will explain everything you need to know to pass that exam with confidence.

Hi, I’m Hayley from Parallel Coaching and I’ve been working with trainee fit pros to pass the Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam for over 10 years.

Here are the 5 steps you need to take in order to pass the Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam:

Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Exam

1. Know what to Expect in the Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam:

The Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam has 40 multiple choice questions and 90 minutes to answer them. This gives you 2 minutes per question plus 10 minutes extra reading time.

Each question has four possible answers, only one of which is correct.

2. Check your knowledge:

Before you start learning and revising, it is best to find out where your knowledge is right now.

For this, we have prepared mock questions for you to download. These are mapped to the Active IQ Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam and other awarding bodies, so you know it is a clear reflection of your current ability.

We have divided the 48 mock questions into sections so you can clearly see which areas are your stronger and weaker areas of knowledge. DOWNLOAD THE MOCK QUESTIONS HERE 

3. Learn Smart:

Do you find yourself reading the same paragraph in your course manual over and over again, but never learning or remembering it?

Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you are bad at learning or can never pass your exam.

Most learners have never learned how to learn, which means they find it very difficult to learn and retain new information from large paragraphs.

Acronyms and analogies are fantastic for learning because they simplify even the most complex information and make it easier to learn and retain.

These are methods that we use in our Parallel Coaching Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Mastery Bootcamp. This means that learning smart makes learning simpler, information recall easier, and above all you can feel confident in your knowledge.

4. Recap, Revise and Repeat:

Once you have learned the information, it is important to repeat it as much as you can.

The only problem with repetition is that it can be time -consuming if you are relying on reading.

Our Revision Mastery Bootcamp allows you to download your tutorials to MP3 and MP4 so you can repeat and recap multiple times whilst driving, walking the dog or even training in the gym.

5. Refine Your Exam Strategy:

An effective exam strategy is just as important as your knowledge and memory.

If your exam strategy is not on-point then you could lose valuable marks on exam day through unnecessary anxiety.

It is crucial to be able to manage your anxiety and emotions on exam day as well as unpicking the complex exam question-wording.

We have created an exclusive bonus called Instant passing Hacks which will teach you how to decipher complex exam question wording and make the most of your revision notes on exam day.

These are only available as part of the Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Mastery Bootcamp.

Dedicated to your learning,


Parallel Coaching

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