Tone of voice Its not what you say its how you say it

Tone of voice: Its not what you say its how you say it

Tone of Voice When Coaching: It’s NOT what you say… … it’s HOW you say it!

The thing about coaching 121 or groups is, that thing you’re talking about is just one of the many factors to consider.

Maybe you’re NEW to coaching or still learning!? Do not kid yourself into thinking it’s only the content of the session, what’s on the programme card that counts.

Your sessions(s) has several factors to its success, with one in particular being, tonality: Tone of Voice.

The HOW behind what is said!

Now, you might be asking, what the heck makes the sound of my voice so important?

Your voice tonality, shifts and changes, changes the state of your clients(s) and session success.

That’s right, you have the ability to influence the way your clients(s) feels and receives your content simply by the way you speak.

Every word you say, the tone and pitch determine how they feel at that very moment – so homing in this skill is super important!

There are 3 tonalities to master!


🙏🏻 #2 SAGE

❤️ #3 LOVER

It could get pretty confusing knowing when to speed up, slow down, pitch, or add volume. These 3 tonalities provide a strategy to vary your speed and volume voice.

✔️ Let’s look at SAGE first

We probably spend most of our coaching time using this tone of voice!

I like to refer to the Sage voice as the medium wave voice because it’s executed at a medium volume, medium pace, with medium modulation.

Everything is rhythmic, spoken with clarity in the voice.

Your volume, speed and tone should all be within the medium range.

At this stage, your concentration needs to be placed on pronouncing every single word, speaking crystal clear with a crisp sounding voice.

You could almost call it hypnotic.

✔️ The second voice quality is WARRIOR voice.

Your warrior voice is fast!


Sharp and pun-chy!

You speak with passion and conviction causing your client(s) to be attentive and switched on. You might use warrior voice during instructions or at the end of a working set when the clients need to hear your belief and passion to work hard!

It differs from the sage voice quality in the way that it carries a short, bouncy wave. Your voice should be slightly louder in volume and faster in pace.

WARRIOR is NOT shouting though… be mindful!

In other words, aim to be punchy in your voice rate and rhythm. The content has to be delivered in a direct, straightforward manner, getting right to the point!

So no fluffy filling words…

✔️ Last but not least, the LOVER voice!

The longwave voice delivered at a lower range.

This is where you get to slow things down a little.

Adopting a quieter, more relaxing tone.

Avoid being hasty with this one, it’s all about taking your time, with really… long… breathy… pauses.

Time and space is your key to the lover tone,

You will notice your client transition into a calm, attentive state, soaking in each and every word you speak.

Perfect when reinforcing key points during feedback or at the end of the session when you want to close down the session, bringing your client back to a resting heart rate!

The Sage, Warrior and Lover voice together provide you with a strategy to communicate effectively with your clients.

They allow you to influence your client(s) and every session you have with them towards success…

Tone of Voice: It’s NOT what you say…
… … it’s HOW you say it!

3 voice tonalities that give your session a smooth, rhythmical heartbeat to your speech.

✔️ Summary 

When following a particular voice pattern, remember that your language and the way you deliver that language changes the state of your clients(s).

Practice varying your tone – especially if you have a fitness course practical assessment looming… one of the criteria to pass is all about effective communication and speech.

Now you have a clear strategy to follow, practice and implement!

Take on the tone of whichever personality you believe is best suited to you and the state you’re trying to achieve.

Do you want to introduce something to a large group or motivate a client at the end of a working set – use WARRIOR! ⚔️

Do you want to have general chat in-between working sets or maybe your completing client fitness testing and need to be very clear and precise – use SAGE  🙏🏻

Do you want to reinforce something during feedback and be sure you have your clients 100% attention – use LOVER ❤️

Switch between either pattern based on what you are saying and how much emphasis you are trying to make on your client.

If you have any questions about this particular coaching skill, then please do reach out…

and if you have a fitness course practical assessment on the horizon, the best of luck and be mindful to practice your 3 voice tonalities to ACE your assessment!

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Thank you so much for reading and I’ll see you on the next blog, or in the classroom

Dedicated to your learning,


Parallel Coaching

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