Today is the start of Season 4 of FitPro Sessions Podcast, where we explore the rise of common clinical conditions and what this means for you as a Fitness Professional
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- the rise of common clinical conditions
- how an increasing prevalence of conditions affects FitPros
- the importance of increasing knowledge and confidence through exercise referral
Watch S4E1: The rise of common clinical conditions and demand on FitPros
0:30 Welcome to Season 4 of FitpRo Sessions Podcast: The rise of common clinical conditions and demand on FitPros
2:30 Hayley’s background of working in Exercise Referral and conditions
5:30 Neale’s background of working with Obesity and Education
8:00 Prevalence of obesity in the UK
10:50 One in six people have experienced Mental Health in the last 7 days
12:30 LIfe expectancy Vs Quality of Life
16:00 As a FitPro, I want to help others
19:00 Filling the knowledge gap with exercise referral
25:00 Combatting the rise of common clinical conditions
31:30 The change starts with us
33:00 Missing knowledge and confidence
35:00 What is Exericse Referral, allowing you to work with Common Clinical Conditions and those that fail a PARQ
38:00 Is exericse referral only through public funding
40:00 What is your big taskeaway, Message us … Or Comment Below
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Become a specialist in offering health-related activity advice and supporting clients that fail a PAR-Q or have Long Term Conditions.
This is your opportunity to set yourself apart from other FITPROs, expand your knowledge, confidence, and link up with healthcare professionals.

Dedicated to More
Hayley “rise of common clinical conditions” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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