How To Train The Glutes - Exercise Library for learning the muscles

How To Train The Glutes – Exercise Library For Learning the Muscles

Ever wondered how to target and train your Glutes effectively? The answer is in learning the 4 main muscles in the Gluteal Group and understanding the joint actions available at the hip.

The more you understand the muscle anatomy, the more effective your workouts can become.

Let’s break it down!

The Glutes is a group of muscles commonly known as the bum

Collectively they create Hip Extension, External Rotation and Abduction actions:

There are 4 Main Muscles in the “Gluteal” group:

🍑The Gluteus Maximus is the largest and most superficial (on the outside). It Extends the Hip and Externally Rotates the hip.

🍑The Gluteus Medius has both anterior (front) and posterior (back) fibres. The posterior fibres are responsible for the Abduction and External Rotation of the Hip. The anterior fibres Abduct and internally rotate the hip.

🍑The Gluteus Minimus is the smallest and deepest of the 3 main “gluteus” muscles. It Abducts and internally rotates the hip.

🍑The Piriformis acts in a similar way as the 3 main gluteus muscles. It is situated deep in the pelvis and sits tight to the sciatic nerve that runs from the lumbar and sacral spine. It abducts and externally rotates the hip.

An exercise library for how to train the glutes:

Below you’ll find a list of common exercises for each of the three key joint actions of the glutes.

Action 1 = Hip Extension:

  • Squat,
  • Romanian Deadlift,
  • Lunge,
  • Hip thrust
  • and Leg Press

Action 2 = Hip Abduction:

  • Lateral Band Walks,
  • Side step-ups,
  • Hip Abductor machine,
  • Lying Side Leg raise,

Hip External Rotation:

  • Sumo Squat,
  • Banded Side Lying Clam
  • Prone Resistance Band Rotations

Today, we delved into the world of Glute muscles, connecting anatomy and physiology to your Level 2 fitness instructor exercise library.

What you need to know about Muscles as a Fitness Professional

Learning the facts about a muscle and how it works is key for your own understanding of exercise programming. However, it is also key if you are preparing for your Level 2 or Level 3 anatomy Exam. For each of the muscles you need to know these 5 pieces of information:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Origin
  • Insertion
  • and Joint Action

If you are finding it hard to remember these 5 facts for every muscle, scroll down to find out how our Muscle Memory flashcards will help

Learning and remembering muscles for your Level 2 or 3 Anatomy & Physiology exam doesn’t have to be daunting.

Test your knowledge with 3 Glute Mock Questions

Look at the Muscle Anatomy and Physiology Mock questions below and jot down your answer on scrap paper or as a note in your phone.

Then scroll down to reveal the answers.

1) Which of the following is NOT an action that occurs during the concentric contraction of the gluteal muscle?
A. Hip Extension
B. Hip Flexion
C. Hip Abduction
D. Hip External Rotation

2) What is the insertion of the gluteal muscles?
A. Sacrum
B. Iliac Crest
C. Femur
D. Sternum

3) Which glute muscle is the largest?
A. Piriformis
B. Gluteus Minimus
C. Gluteus Maximus
D. Gluteus Medius


Q1: Answer = B
Q2: Answer = C
Q3: Answer = C

If you want more mock questions like this, then you can download more Free Mock Questions: DOWNLOAD NOW

How to learn and recap muscle learning?

Learn, Revise & Remember All 50 Muscles In The Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology Exam.

(and the BEST part…You can do all this in as little as 5-minutes a day)

Each flashcard gives you a clear image and six clear muscle facts:

  •  Name and Location
  •  Origin and Insertions
  •  Muscle Actions
  •  Joints Crossed
  •  Primary Planes Of Movement
  •  Exercise Examples

Dedicated to More

Hayley “How To Train The Glutes – Exercise Library” Bergman

Parallel Coaching

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