Where Do Coronary Arteries Supply Blood To?

This blog will teach you all about Coronary Arteries and their function, in preparation for your Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam

You’ll discover:

  • Why FITPROs find the heart and circulatory system hard to revise
  • A 5 mins Video Tutorial explaining Where Do Coronary Arteries Supply Blood To?
  • Three Example Mock Question about Coronary Arteries
  • How to learn with simplicity for the rest of the modules

Why FITPROs find the heart and circulatory system hard to revise

The Heart and Circulatory system is notoriously claimed to be one of the hardest modules within the Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology syllabus, so you are not alone if you find this area difficult to understand.

Unlike other areas of anatomy (like muscles), we never get to see our heart move, which makes it feel theoretical. It may also feel like this is less directly related to training clients as a FitPro.

Although you might not actually be quoting the heart valves and circulation with your clients, the knowledge of this is foundational and absolutely crucial in order to understand the demand and stress we place on the heart in exercise.

A 5 mins Video Tutorial Explaining Where Do Coronary Arteries Supply Blood To?

Where Do Coronary Arteries Supply Blood To?

What are the Coronary Arteries?

The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. The heart (like any other muscle in the body) requires oxygen rich blood to allow for muscle contractions.

There are 2 main Coronary arteries:

  1. Left Main Coronary Artery.
    This serves blood to the left ventricle and left atria. It divides into two more coronary arteries
    • Left Anterior Descending artery – which serves the front of the left side of the heart
    • Circumflex artery – which circumducts the heart serving all the way around the top

2. Right Coronary Artery.
This serves blood to the right atria and right ventricle.

You will need to know these names as part of your Level 3 anatomy exam, as well as understand the role of the coronary arteries in general.

Test your knowledge with today’s heart mock questions:

[NOTE: The answers are below the 3rd questions]

1. Which chamber of the heart is served by the Right Coronary Artery?
A. Left Atrium
B. Right Atrium
C. Left Ventricle
D. Circumflex

2. What name is given to the blood vessels that serve the heart muscle itself?
A. Coronary Arteries
B. Vena Cavae
C. Pulmonary arteries
D. Aorta

3. Which blood vessel wraps around the heart?
A. Left Anterior Descending Artery
B. Circumflex Artery
C. Right Coronary Artery
D. Left Main Coronary Artery

What’s the CORRECT answer?

Answers to the mock questions are :

Question 1= B, Question 2 = A, Question 3 = B

If you want more mock questions like this, then you can download more Free Mock Questions: DOWNLOAD NOW

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Hayley “Coronary Arteries” Bergman

Parallel Coaching

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