This week’s edition of “mock question dissection” explores and answers the question… What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?”
You’ll discover:
- 7-minute video tutorial explaining and answering today’s mock question.
- Why are some multiple-choice questions so difficult?
- What is the concentric phase of movement?
- Analysing The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise
- Exploring The Joint Actions in the Pec Fly Exercise
- The answer to “What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?”
- More mock questions to test your knowledge
- How to learn and remember complex anatomy
Watch Mock Question Dissection…
Today’s Mock Question: What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?
Why are some multiple-choice questions so difficult?
Multiple-choice questions can be notoriously difficult and often leave trainee FITPROs scratching their heads in frustration.
There are a few reasons why this may be the case. One common reason is that these questions often require the application of multiple topics within a single question.
For example, this multiple-choice question requires knowledge of joint actions, phases of movement and gym-based exercises. Additionally, some multiple-choice questions are designed to be complicated and layered knowledge, requiring careful reading and critical thinking skills to decipher.
Ultimately, some multiple-choice questions are more difficult than others. These require you to slow down and take your time.
Today we’ll use the KINGS formula to break down a complicated question and get the correct answer. This is an acronym that stands for :
K = Keywords (what are the keywords and phrases in the question)
I = I know (what do I know about these keywords)
N = Necessity (re-read the question, what does it NEED you to know)
G = Guess (without looking at the answers have a guess)
S = Select an Answer (reveal the multiple-choice answers and select the one that links best to your guess)
Learn More about The KINGS formula HERE and learn how to unpick any complicated question
Dissecting today’s Mock Question
Here’s a reminder of today’s mock question.
What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?
The Key Words are:
- Joint Action
- Concentric Phase
- Pec Fly Exercise
We’ll explore our knowledge of these in the next few sections of the blog…
What is the concentric phase of movement?
Every movement and exercise has a lifting and a lowering phase.
For example, the squat has the lowering phase when you move from standing and lower down into tripled flexed position at the bottom of the movement.
The lifting phase is then lifting from this position, against the force of gravity, to standing again.
The Concentric Phase of a Movement = The Lifting Phase, whereby the load goes towards the Clouds against gravity (c for concentric, c for clouds). Note, the load is your own body weight in a press-up, or the dumbbell in a bicep curl, or the weight stack on a Lat Pull Down machine.
The Eccentric Phase of a Movement = The Lowering Phase, whereby the load goes towards the Earth with gravity (e for eccentric, e for earth). Note, this phase feels easier, because we are no longer pushing the load against the force of gravity, instead gravity is helping the lowering phase.
Analysing The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise
Now, we need to take our understanding of the Concentric Phase of movement and apply it to the Pec Fly exercise to be able to answer the question.
The pec fly exercise could use several different pieces of equipment, but it will give you the same answer.
- Dumbbell Pec Fly – This is lying on the bench face up, bringing the dumbbells towards each other whilst keeping the elbows still. The concentric phase is when the dumbbells move towards the Clouds. This is when the hands come together in front of the chest.
- Machine Pec Fly – This is seated on a machine, with either elbows or hands holding the handle/pad. The hands are brought towards each other in front of the chest and then back apart. The concentric phase is when the hands move towards each other. Although the hands aren’t moving toward the clouds (denoting the concentric phase) the weight stack is. Look at the weight stack, as the weight lifts this is ALWAYS the concentric phase.
- Cable Pec Fly – This is usually standing, facing away from a dual pulley machine. The hands hold individual handles and are brought towards each other in front of the chest and then back apart. The concentric phase is when the hands move towards each other. Although the hands aren’t moving toward the clouds (denoting the concentric phase) the weight stack is. Look at the weight stack, as the weight lifts this is ALWAYS the concentric phase.
This has allowed us to answer two parts of the mock question. We know that it is asking about the joint action when the hands come together in front of the chest during a pec fly exercise. Next, we need to understand the joint actions…
Exploring The Joint Actions in the Pec Fly Exercise
Whenever you need to provide a joint action, you need to state two bits of information:
- The joint moving
- The action the joint is doing
Firstly the joint moving in the Pec Fly exercise is the shoulder. The elbow stays still, it is only the shoulder moving.
Then you need to work out which joint action it is.
It cant be flexion or extension of the shoulder as this is a sagittal plane movement (like a frontal raise)
The shoulder isn’t doing Adduction or Abduction as this is frontal plane movement (like a lateral raise)
It has to be horizontal flexion and extension of the shoulder (which is in the transverse plane).
This gives you a pair of joint actions.
You then need to work out which one will answer the question “What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?”…
The hands are coming towards each other so it must be Horizontal Flexion of the Shoulder.
The answer to “What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?”
Today’s mock question is:
As explained above the answer is B: Horizontal Flexion Of The Shoulder
Test your knowledge with today’s mock questions:
[NOTE: The answers are below the 3rd question]
Q1: What Joint Action Occurs in The Eccentric Phase of the Biceps Curl Exercise?
A. Elbow Flexion
B. Shoulder Flexion
C. Elbow Extension
D. Shoulder Extension
Q2: What Joint Action Occurs at the knee in The Concentric Phase of the Squat?
A. Extension
B. Flexion
C. Lateral Flexion
D. Abduction
Q3: Which exercise occurs as a result of shoulder flexion in the Concentric Phase?
A. Lateral Raise
B. Frontal Raise
C. Biceps Curl
D. Triceps Extension
Answers to the mock questions are :
Question 1= C, Question 2 = A, Question 3 = B
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Hayley “What Joint Action Occurs in The Concentric Phase of the Pec Fly Exercise?” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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