Happy New Year! These 3 Revision Tips are the key to unlocking your exam success this year. Are you ready to master your revision goals? This blog will kick off your revision without being overwhelmed and stressed.
Watch: New Year, New Revision: 3 Revision Tips to Supercharge Your Studies
Here are three easy tips to set you on the path to success:
Revision Tips 1. Size Matters: Keep It Small
When diving into the new year, it’s tempting to tackle massive study sessions. Most trainee FITPROs will try to cram in as much revision as possible in the first week. However effective revision is about small, manageable chunks. Start with realistic goals to build confidence and keep motivation high throughout the year. Avoid burnout by celebrating consistent, achievable wins.
Revision Tips 2. Consistency is Key: Little and Often Wins
Forget intense study marathons!
Opt for a steady revision schedule instead. Plan short, regular study sessions leading up to your exam. By revising daily, you build a solid foundation of knowledge and exam confidence. This also avoids last-minute exam cramming and unnecessary stress.
Revision Tips 3. Summary Notes: Keep It Simple
Each revision session will include lots of content, facts and figures for you to remember. It is tempting to write down EVERYTHING in every session. However, this often prevents effective learning. Instead, focus on learning the overarching principles and strip down your note-taking. Write fewer notes during revision, focusing on summarizing key concepts.
Challenge yourself to condense everything onto one page. End each session with 1-3 bullet points summarizing what you’ve learned. This quick review tool streamlines your study process, making it more manageable to review later.
Incorporate these easy tips into your routine for a transformative academic experience. Choose small, consistent efforts over grand plans, and make this year the year you supercharge your studies!
Need help creating your Learning Plan?
All of our Qualifications and Revision Bootcamps include a”done for you” 4-week and 8-week learning plan, so you don’t have to create your own plan. Simply download the PDF and follow along with clear weekly tasks.
Our revision boot camps have learning tasks that guide you through video tutorials and cheat sheets, alongside mock questions to make sure you are ready to sit your exam in the time you want.
Test your knowledge with 3 Mock Questions
Look at the Multiple Choice Questions questions below and jot down your answer on scrap paper or as a note on your phone.
Then scroll down to reveal the answers.
1) What is the benefit of setting small achievable revision goals?
A. Success likelihood is low and reduces self-efficacy
B. Success likelihood is high and builds self-efficacy
C. You do less studying overall
D. It makes you feel overwhelmed
2) What is overwhelm?
A. A feeling of dread about a small task.
B. A feeling that the tasks are too great to cope with, and don’t know where to start.
C. Self-doubt that you can succeed
D. A result of not setting any goals
3) A learning plan features…
A. Specific daily tasks
B. A reminder of the outcome
C. A list of barriers that you have against completing the learning
D. Looking at the manual every day and guessing where to start
Q1: Answer = B
Q2: Answer = B
Q3: Answer = A
If you want more mock questions like this, then you can download more Free Mock Questions: DOWNLOAD NOW
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If you want to get your revision structured, learn everything you need to know, and feel confident on exam day, then click the link below:

Dedicated to More
Hayley “New Year, New Revision: 3 Revision Tips to Supercharge Your Studies” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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