This blog includes Twelve Level 3 Nutrition Exam Mock Questions with answers and explanations, so you can be prepared for your upcoming exam.
You’ll discover:
- How many questions you will have in your exam
- How to use the below nutrition mock questions
- Twelve Level 3 Nutrition Exam Mock Questions
- Answers and Explanations for each question
- How to learn with simplicity using our Level 3 Nutrition Revision Mastery Bootcamp
How many questions will be in my Level 3 Nutrition exam?
The number of questions varies per awarding body and training provider. However, usually there are approximately 40 questions and 90 minutes to answer these.
They are all Multiple Choice questions, like those provided below
The 40 questions are split into 6 modules of content, so you can expect 6-7 questions on each topic.
How to use these mock questions:
First Read the relevant section in your manual or use our Revision Mastery Bootcamp, and then work through the following 12 mock questions.
Do this under exam conditions. i.e. with no assistance from your book.
This will highlight your strengths, weaknesses and trends within the Level 3 Nutrition for Physical Activity exam.
We have created these questions by looking at past and live questions from all major awarding bodies including YMCA, Active IQ and VTCT. This means the exam questions are similar to those you can expect on exam day.
Check your answers at the bottom of the page and then look for any trends:
- What questions did you get wrong?
- Was this because of a lack of knowledge or complex question-wording?
- What questions did you get correct?
- Was this because you understood the knowledge or it was easy question-wording?
- If you need more help with your knowledge and exam strategy check out our Level 3 Nutrition Revision Mastery Bootcamp HERE

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All videos are easy to watch and follow, great tips for remembering things. I couldn’t have passed my exams without this help 😊. Highly recommend xx
Twelve Level 3 Nutrition Exam Mock Questions
1.During digestion the stomach:
A. Absorbs carbohydrates into the blood
B. Releases hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria
C. Releases insulin and glucagon
D. Absorbs vitamins B and K
2. How many calories does a single gram of fat provide?
A. 4 kcals
B. 7 kcals
C. 9 kcals
D. 11 kcals
3. The term reduced or low fat is required by legal definition to be:
A. Lower in fat than the original, but has no set value
B. At least 50% lower in fat than the original
C. At least 25% lower in fat than the original
D. At least 10% lower in fat than the original
4. A registered dietician is NOT qualified to provide:
A. Healthy clients with food and lifestyle advice
B. Healthy clients with food and specific supplement advice
C. Unhealthy clients with food advice and nutritional treatment
D. Unhealthy clients with medication and supplemental advice
5. An estimate of basal metabolic rate can be calculated using gender, height and which two other factors?
A. Age and waist size
B. Activity levels and waist size
C. Weight and age
D. Activity levels and weight
6. The energy balance equation states:
A. ΔE = E up – E down
B. ΔE = E in – E down
C. ΔE = E up – E out
D. ΔE = E in – E out
7. To be compliant with the National Food Guide, how many portions of oily fish should a client be eating?
A. 1 portion per day
B. 2 portions per day
C. 1 portion per week
D. 2 portions per week
8. Which types of foods are best to aid refueling as part of a post-exercise meal up to 15 minutes after activity?
A. High glycaemic
B. Low to moderate glycaemic
C. High in protein
D. High in fibre
9. Which of the following would be a ‘dietary practice’ that is followed by some cultural and religious traditions that would influence the nutritional advice given to a client?
A. Dieting
B. Skipping breakfast
C. Fasting
D. Increasing calories
10. Fats are a dominant fuel source during:
A. Low-intensity cardiovascular exercise
B. Moderate-intensity resistance exercise
C. High-intensity cardiovascular exercise
D. High-intensity resistance exercise
11. Diets that severely restrict calorie intake can:
A. Promote healthy levels of dietary fat
B. Lower basal metabolic rate (BMR)
C. Assist long term weight management
D. Reduce the risk of disordered eating
12. Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) provides guidance for the nutrient levels needed to:
A. Obtain optimal health
B. Prevent disease in the majority of the population
C. Reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes in the population
D. Maintain health in 50% of the population
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Answers and Explanations: Level 3 Nutrition Exam Mock Questions
1. B
Explanation: You need to know the function of key features and organs within the digestive system for your Level 3 Nutrition Exam. The Stomach is responsible for killing bacteria using hydrochloric acid and breaking down proteins.2. C
Explanation: One gram of Fat contains 9kcal. Yo ualso need to know that protein and carbohydrates are 4kcal per gram and alcohol is 7kcal per gram.3. C
Explanation: Many terms used in the marketing of food products are not legally goverened however a “reduced fat” and “low fat” version of food has to legally have at least 25% less fat than the normal4. D
Explanation: A registered Dietician can provide meal plans nad specific nutritional guidnace to both healthy and unhealthy clients. However they cannot advice medications as these can only be prescribed by a GP or Doctor5. C
Explanation: A Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculation will work out the number of calories per day that a client needs in order to support daily bodily functions.Heres a BMR calculation: BMR (metric) = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) + 5
Waist circuference is not considered in BMR
This does not include Activity levels. If you wanted to find someones Daily Calorie Requirement you would multiple the BMR by their PAL factor (physical activity).
6. D
Explanation: The energy balance equation relates to the relationship between Energy in and Energy out.Energy In – (minus) Energy Out = (equals)
Energy balance is the difference between your energy input (or the number of calories that you put into your body) and your energy output (or the number of calories you burn each day).
7. C
Explanation: It is recommended to consume 2 portion of fish per week, one of which oily. Therefore the answer is C one oily fish per week.8. A
Explanation: High Glycaemic foods are released quickly into the blood stream. These are great to take straight after exercise (within 15 minutes) to top up depleted blood glucose and stored glycogen stores.9. C
Explanation: Some cultures practice Fasting at set times/ dates within a year. This may change the advice you offer to your client, as they would need to adapt nutritional practices around the cultural requirement to fast. Fasting is an abstinence from food or drink or both for health, ritualistic, religious, or ethical reasons. Examples of cultural fasting include Ramadan and Lent.10. A
Explanation: Fat and carbohydrates are the dominant fuel sources for activity. As intensity increases there becomes less and less fat being used as a fuel source. Fats can only be used for a fuel source in low-intensity aerobic activity.11. B
Explanation: Sever calorie restriction is not sustainable for healthy weight loss and cause many complications. One of these negative ide-effects is that the BMR drops considerably due to a loss of muscle mass. This means a client that has been severly restricting calories, will need less and less calories to maintain weight, and find fat loss difficult.12. B
Explanation: The recommendations of food quantities follows research from the World Helath Organisation (who). These guidelines show the recommended daily intake of key macro and mico-nutritients for most of the population to avoid common clinical conditions and prevent disease.
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Hayley “Level 3 Nutrition” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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