7 Tweaks To Improve Your PT Website

Today’s blog will explore How To Improve Your PT Website, with seven small tweaks. Plus you’ll learn how having a website is part of an overall marketing strategy.

Whether you are a newly qualified Personal Trainer or have been in the industry for years, a website (when used correctly) is a key part of your marketing. If you are getting fewer results than you’d like, or your website is sitting stagnant, then take note of these seven tweaks that will improve your success rate immediately.

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WATCH: 7 Tweaks To Improve Your PT Website

7 Tweaks To Improve Your PT Website
  1. Is a website your first priority
  2. It’s not about you
  3. Important real estate
  4. Mobile friendly
  5. The journey and objective
  6. Blog content
  7. Image originality

Is a PT website your first priority?

If you are just starting as a FITPRO then the first few clients you are likely to get will come from people you know or friends of friends. This means that building a PT website is not your FIRST priority when qualifying as a FITPRO.

Instead of spending hours hunched over your laptop picking colours, wording and images for a website; it would make more sense to get the word out to your friends and family, and start reaching out to people you know in your local area.

However, if you’ve already got your first few clients, and you have started training them, then getting your website set up as early as possible will be invaluable.

It will be a hub for you to add value to new clients, a place to host your payment method and terms & conditions, and even a place to share success stories and testimonials. A website is powerful as a means of verifying that you are an active Personal Trainer, that you are credible and can offer real value and results as a FITPRO.

Before you start your website build, make sure you know WHO your ideal client is, what their main problems are and how you help them. Also make sure you know how your website fits amongst your overall marketing strategy, social media and sales journey. CLICK HERE if you need help with this?

It’s not about you

In the nicest possible way, your PT website is not about YOU, it is about the future client and their results. One of the biggest mistakes I see FITPROs make is that they get their PT website up and running, and it is a series of photos of them posing, and paragraphs explaining their journey and why they love fitness so much, next to a list of qualifications.

Yes, it is important that potential clients can find out about you, and verify who you are. However, they aren’t going to read through paragraphs of information if there is nothing on that website that answers their questions.

They want clear information that shows how they can achieve their goal, address primary concerns and get the results they desire.

This could be as simple as rewording your content from I to You, and spending longer talking about the client and their desires, than about yourself.

Important real estate

Consideration for real estate is one of the most important Tweaks To Improve Your PT Website.

When your prospective client lands on your website, the first thing they see is the upper section of your website homepage. This is called “above the fold”, and it is the only part of the website that you can guarantee the viewer will see.

If this space “above the fold” is not valuable to your ideal client, they will click back off your website within seconds.

So use this space for valuable content:

  • A clear headline that calls out your ideal client so they know they are in the right place.
  • One or two clear links and imagery that guide the prospective client on to the next part of their journey through the website.
  • Include a lead capture – whereby you get their email in exchange for a high-value lead magnet (a freebie that is going to help them get their goal or achieve a mini win)

Mobile friendly

80% of views that hit your website will come from a mobile phone, rather than a laptop or desktop. This means that your first priority when editing and formatting your webpage should be to check it looks good and is accessible on a mobile phone.

Most website software automatically corrects it to work on a mobile, but it won’t always look good on mobile. For example, long paragraphs, lengthy chunks of text and long thin images look particularly bad on a mobile format.

Instead, keep paragraphs short, use headlines and images often to break up the content, and highlight key details in bold.

The journey and objective

Remember the main objective of your website is to fit amongst the rest of our marketing strategy to make more sales in your FITPRO business. Therefore it is crucial that each part of your content is mapped to bring the prospective client closer to becoming a paying client.

This means you want to build lots of Know, Like and Trust with them, but also make it clear that becoming a client is the solution to their problems.

Blog content

Create content that allows a client to spend time on your website, and that allows you to educate them. It is a perfect opportunity to give away enough information that your client can achieve a mini-win.

A blog is one of the best ways to do this. Start by gathering key questions your clients ask you regularly and answer them on your blog. If your clients are asking it, then the chances are your ideal prospective client will be asking it too.

This is your time to show you can provide a solution to their problem.

Creating a blog and using a plugin (like Seo Yeost) will also help your content get found on Google, so more people find you.

Image originality

The best way to build Know, Like and Trust is to show people who you are, and become the face of your FITPRO business.

Don’t hide behind stock photos.

Use photos of you and your clients to help the prospective client verify who you are, who you work with and that you are being you in an open and honest way.

A website is not the only part of your FITPRO Business

There are many aspects to setting up a FITPRO business, and without proper guidance, you can find yourself overwhelmed, confused and focusing on the wrong things. The biggest issue is that you spend so long trying to set up your business that you never get started training clients, all the while your confidence is reducing and your momentum comes to a halt.

Our FITPRO Business Kickstarter is an online programme designed for newly qualified FITPROs to show them the foundations of building a business that is efficient, effective… and suits your lifestyle and dreams.

Plus you learn all the intricate “hows” and tactics behind setting up campaigns, marketing your business and building your first PT package.

>>>> Join us for our FITPRO Business Kickstarter here

Take action and kickstart your FITPRO Business Without overwhelm or confusion.

This is for you if you’re…

  • A Newly Qualified or veteran FITPRo in Yoga, PT, Pilates or Bootcamps.
  • Lacking a strategy for getting new clients
  • unsure where to start re: marketing and sales
  • worrying that you won’t be able to make a viable career in FITPRO
  • doubting you could get clients consistently or create a client package
  • anxious and confused about how to get found and get busy

Click the link to join us…


Dedicated to More

Hayley “7 Tweaks To Improve Your PT Website” Bergman

Parallel Coaching

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