Today’s blog will explore How To Make A Sale and Get New Clients, with four simple ingredients. Plus you’ll learn how sales become part of your overall FITPRO business strategy.
Whether you are a newly qualified Personal Trainer or have been in the industry for years, mastering sales is important so you can feel comfortable inviting new clients into your programmes, get paid what you are worth and build a sustainable FITPRO business.
If you are getting fewer results than you’d like, or your business sales feel awkward and cheesy, then take note of these 4 ingredients that will improve your success rate immediately.
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WATCH: 4 Ingredients To Make A Sale and Get New Clients
Most FITPROs believe that sales feel cheesy, or pushy and awkward. If that’s the case then you are missing at least one (or maybe all) of these ingredients. Once you implement these 4 into any sales journey, the sale becomes easier, more natural and enjoyable for you and the new client.
- Increase exploration of the dream outcome
- Increase the likelihood of achievement
- Reduce time delay
- Reduce effort and sacrifice
Increase exploration of the dream outcome
An awkward or cheesy sales conversation is usually a sales conversation that focuses on features rather than benefits or outcomes.
Features are tangible items like the number of training sessions per week, the facility, the price, or how long each training session is. They are all worthy things to know about but they don’t show the potential client HOW they will get their dream outcome or goal.
Instead, use benefits and discuss their dream outcome. This involves asking them questions about what they would like to achieve, why they want to achieve it and imagining the end outcome. The more descriptive the potential is allowed to be about their dream outcome, the more they become emotionally bonded to achieving the become.
Once you understand what your client REALLY wants, you can discuss the features in relation to achieving the outcome, so they can link your package/ programme to them achieving their dream outcome.
Quick Tip: To Make A Sale and Get New Clients implement the dream outcome on your next sales call by asking as many questions about their goal/ dream outcome as possible. Get a really vivid description and get the potential client excited before discussing how you can help them achieve it.
Increase the likelihood of achievement
The biggest reason why a potential client doesn’t commit to becoming a paying client is that they don’t believe they will get the dream outcome. This links to the first point above, but now shows how this client (specifically them) can achieve this result.
Many clients don’t believe they will ever lose weight, or achieve a PB, or adhere to a new lifestyle.
They see that their own barriers will get in the way of them achieving it.
Those barriers could be
- Internal = they don’t trust that they have what it takes to commit. They might base their perceived likelihood on the fact they have failed many times before, or lack self-efficacy and confidence in themselves. If this is the case for your client, you need to show how you support your clients, and how similar clients have had results with you.
- External = They believe they don’t have enough time or money, or maybe the location doesn’t work for them. These barriers can all be overcome, you just have to find the right solution for your client. Explain payment plan options, or how your workouts are just 30 mins long and can be done at home as part of a busy schedule.
These solutions would vary depending on your ideal client, a busy businessman has different barriers to a stay-at-home mum, so be specific in your solution. - Vehicle = Here the barrier is related to your offer/ package, they can’t see that your offer is going to increase the likelihood of their achievement. if this is the case, take time to explain the link between the dream outcome and your package. You can articulate this better by avoiding single pay-as-you-go sessions and focusing on a package that will guarantee a set result in a set time frame.
Reduce Time Delay
We live in a world of instant gratfiication, where can order on Amazon Prime and get somethgin delivered the next day, or order a deliveroo and get the pizza inside an hour. if you want to Make A Sale and Get New Clients, you need to reduce the time delay.
Our clients are used to getting something instantly. Although this cant be their long-term dream outcome, where they lose a stone in a day, there are other results that can be given quickly.
For example your client could have a welcome or orientation video delivered immediately so they feel they have started their journey immediately.
Or maybe you could book their first consultation session for over the next few days.
This makes the client excited, and rides the momentum and enthusiasm of the sale, so they take action towrards their goals quickly.
Alongside this consider creating packages that are shorter in time frame (4 week or 6 weeks) rather than those that last 10 or 12 weeks. Then instead of focusing on achieving a big result, each package is focused towards a clear stepping stone, or a mini-win that keeps momentum and excitement high throughout the journey.
Reduce effort and sacrifice
As a FITPRO you knwo that reaults take time, effort and dedication. However your client doesnt want to hear that it’s going to be gruelling hard work, that they need to sacrfice all the things htat are important to them and that they will have hours and hours of hard training.
Your client is more likely to buy if you can keep the effort and sacrifice low. This means you need to show them how your package will fit around the things they value. For example, you may mention that the cietn can keep theri sunay afternoon pint, or their evening puddings.
The more realistic, enjoyable and achievable the client thinks the package is the more likely they are to join you in yoru package or programme.
In summary
To summarise, if you want to Make A Sale and Get New Clients, your sales converation isn’t a quick tour around your features and then telling your client how hard you are goign to get them to work. It is important to increase temptation and emotional excitement so the client really wants to join your journey towards their dream outcoem.
The client should leave the sales conversation excited that they are going to get their goal, and excited to have you by their side.
Sales are not the only part of your FITPRO Business
There are many aspects to setting up a FITPRO business, and without proper guidance, you can find yourself overwhelmed, confused and focusing on the wrong things. The biggest issue is that you spend so long trying to set up your business that you never get started training clients, all the while your confidence is reducing and your momentum comes to a halt.
Our FITPRO Business Kickstarter is an online programme designed for newly qualified FITPROs to show them the foundations of building a business that is efficient, effective… and suits your lifestyle and dreams.
Plus you learn all the intricate “hows” and tactics behind setting up campaigns, marketing your business and building your first PT package.
>>>> Join us for our FITPRO Business Kickstarter here
Take action and kickstart your FITPRO Business Without overwhelm or confusion.
This is for you if you’re…
- A Newly Qualified or veteran FITPRo in Yoga, PT, Pilates or Bootcamps.
- Lacking a strategy for getting new clients
- unsure where to start re: marketing and sales
- worrying that you won’t be able to make a viable career in FITPRO
- doubting you could get clients consistently or create a client package
- anxious and confused about how to get found and get busy
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Dedicated to More
Hayley “4 Ingredients To Make A Sale and Get New Clients” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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