Today’s video and blog will help you kickstart your revision and fitness studies in January. You’ll learn 3 easy steps that you can follow immediately to remove overwhelm and get started on your new year FITPRO studies.
If you are struggling with getting started, and don’t know where to start, this will help you get focused and take meaningful action throughout January.
At the bottom of this blog, you’ll also find three mock questions to test your knowledge
Watch: 3 Easy Steps To Kickstart Your Revision and Fitness Studies in January
Step 1: Embrace the Overwhelm
Most new year’s resolutions and goals FAIL because of overwhelm. It is the single biggest reason trainee fitpros fail to get started on their revision and fitness studies.
Overwhelm is the feeling of having so much to do, or a goal that is so big you cannot cope. It leads to a feeling of not knowing where to start, to the point that trainee FITPROs don’t start at all.
It is often seen as a negative feeling, however, overwhelm can be helpful. Overwhelm is like a big alert or alarm going off; drawing your attention towards the thing you know you should be doing. It is the fuel to your fire and will allow you to get focused and take action on the things you REALLY WANT.
Without overwhelm, change is unlikely, and we end up doing the same thing day in and day out.
With overwhelm you can draw attention to the things important to you, magnify the importance of completing the tasks and see purpose amongst the chaos.
Rather than trying to beat the overwhelm, you can use it to benefit you, by setting an outcome goal that makes you tingle with excitement and overwhelm
Step 2: Outcome Goal
Now you’ve embraced the feeling of overwhelm, you can use this to set an outcome goal that is challenging but achievable.
For this pick a goal that is clear and focused,
but be assertive instead of “on the fence”.
Instead of using phrases like “I’ll try to start”, “I’ll aim to get it done this week” or “Maybe I can do it”, be more assertive with your language. These phrases allow for you to fall behind, or allow for you to miss the deadline, and they excuse you for not reaching goal before you’ve even started working towards it.
Ditch the vague phrases and make a clear focus that is clearly measurable and specific
For example “I will take my exam before the end of February”
- or “I will be qualified by July” or
- “I will complete all of my PT course before the 10th of April” or
- “all of my coursework will be completed by march”
So be clear and be certain on what you will achieve, and allow yourself to commit to your statement by using language that commits to the outcome being achieved. This might make you feel a little overwhelmed at the start, and that’s ok… embrace it.
Step 3: Break It Down
Now you have the outcome goal, you know what you are working towards. However a large goal is overwhelming and can blind you from knowing where to start and what actionable step to take first.
You now need to break down the big goal into small actionable chunks and pieces. These are performance and process goals.
Performance goal examples include:
- complete one worksheet each week
- to have the exam completed by the end of January
- complete all online learning before the attendance days in March
Process goals are smaller breakdowns again, and are the daily actions and processes, including:
- to write one worksheet question every day
- learn one muscle per day
- watch and take notes for one module per week
- complete one mock question per week
These process goals allow you to stay on track and keep taking action forward.
You need to now set up a learning plan that you can follow whereby each of the small process goals, leads to a performance goal, which leads to the big outcome goal.
Need help creating your Learning Plan?
All of our Qualifications and Revision Bootcamps include a”done for you” 4-week and 8-week learning plan, so you don’t have to create your own plan. Simply download the PDF and follow along with clear weekly tasks.
Our revision boot camps have learning tasks that guide you through video tutorials and cheat sheets, alongside mock questions to make sure you are ready to sit your exam in the time you want.
Test your knowledge with 3 Mock Questions
Look at the Multiple Choice Questions questions below and jot down your answer on scrap paper or as a note on your phone.
Then scroll down to reveal the answers.
1) What is the outcome goal also known as?
A. A small task that is actioned each day
B. A medium-term goal that offers a target per week or month
C. A long-term goal that has a clear outcome and deadline
D. A medium-term goal that has a clear deadline
2) What is overwhelm?
A. A feeling of dread about a small task.
B. A feeling that the tasks are too great to cope with, and don’t know where to start.
C. Self-doubt that you can succeed
D. A result of not setting any goals
3) A learning plan features…
A. Specific daily tasks
B. A reminder of the outcome
C. A list of barriers that you have against completing the learning
D. Looking at the manual every day and guessing where to start
Q1: Answer = C
Q2: Answer = B
Q3: Answer = A
If you want more mock questions like this, then you can download more Free Mock Questions: DOWNLOAD NOW
Need More Help with your Level 3 Anatomy Revision?
For Trainee FITPROS Taking Their L3 Anatomy & Physiology Exam.
Learn, Revise & Pass Your Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology Exam In Under 10-hours
(Without Having To Spend Hours Revising Or Feeling Overwhelmed)
If you want to get your revision structured, learn everything you need to know, and feel confident on exam day, then click the link below:
Dedicated to More
Hayley “Kickstart Your Revision and Fitness Studies in January” Bergman
Parallel Coaching
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